RSMC Services


My New Dentist Beginner’s Guide: Red flags and must ask questions for any dental interview

If you have ever been interviewed, then you probably got to the end of the interview and were asked, “Now, do you have any questions for me?” And, if you’re anything like I am, you froze up for a few seconds, asked the first thing that came to your mind and hoped it wasn’t a …

My New Dentist Beginner’s Guide: Red flags and must ask questions for any dental interview Read More »

What becoming a yoga teacher taught me about dentistry

As dentists, we face unique mental, physical and emotional challenges each day. These challenges often create discord and imbalance in our bodies and minds, especially when combined with the current state of our political and societal climate. Contorting our bodies in order to gain better visibility, sitting for long periods, and hunching over our computer …

What becoming a yoga teacher taught me about dentistry Read More »