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Recruiting Experts for
the Dental Industry

RSMC Services specializes in placing

Dentists, Dental Office Managers/Directors, and Dental Specialists (Pediatric Dentists, Orthodontists, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Endodontists, and Periodontists) across the Country.

We live by the recruiting's golden rule

You will NEVER see a candidate from us that doesn’t meet all three of these criteria simultaneously

• 90% + of the skills you outline

• Motivated by more than just money

• Willing to accept the salary YOU specify

Our Six Step Success Process

1. Identification

We conduct an in-depth analysis of positions specifications, carefully gathering position requirements focusing on values and critical attributes, so the most successful candidates are selected.

2. Recruiting

Supported by an extensive database of candidates and companies, we actively seek candidates from direct competitors and parallel industries nationwide. This allows us to vet a large pool of potential candidates. 

3. Interviewing

We provide complete and honest feedback coupled with tailored advice during the entire interview process, thus ensuring a smooth and seamless hiring transition process for the potential candidates. 

4. Research

We employ strategic planning as the most effective means for sourcing target candidates. We use extensive integration of industry resources, virtual communities, and proven cold calling approaches to achieve our intended goals.

5. Assessment

Assessment is the most critical step is combining behavioral and targeted interviewing techniques. RSMC Services ensures our clients the candidates presented possess all necessary skill sets that will prove their value as exceptional performers.

6. Acceptance

Our acceptance criteria help us define the boundaries of a candidate’s potential. This step allows us to confirm when the applicant has met all requirements as required, meaning that the candidates presented meet all desired criteria.


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